November Voter Update


Have you voted on the app yet?  

Enroll here.

Rockin’ the holidays means sharing with folks in our community. After all, aren’t all voters kind of like a big community in the democratic process? We think so.

And what a lovely time to share our first newsletter, the “Voter Update.”  So, grab a cookie and a quick read. Maybe even check out our short video.

Just our way of saying Welcome to the Digital Democracy Community!


Ramon Perez

Executive Director

Florida Legislature: December Special Session

Bad enough that nine insurance companies left Florida this year. But then, Hurricanes Ian and Nicole had their way with 60 of the state’s 67 counties and two Tribal Territories, killing 144 people and causing a staggering tens of billions of dollars in losses.

Consequently, Florida lawmakers are ready to talk turkey about property insurance in the mid-December Special Session.

In a recent interview, House Speaker Paul Renner did not specify which bills would be proposed. So, we can’t tell you that yet. But, he did outline two major goals of the Special Session: 1) To stabilize the existing market of Florida insurers. 2) To increase the capacity of reinsurers other than Citizens. In other words, to create more options for homeowners and, over time, drive prices down. 

Once the details are set, we’ll shoot you another quick Voter Update with the Special Session date and legislation. AND, we'll load the bills into the mobile voting app right away. So you can start voting!

­Digital Democracy in the Press

Florida life after a hurricane. Ugh, right?! 
Voting included. 
So, after the storm, wouldn’t it be convenient to vote on your phone? 
We were invited to talk and write about it:

WFTS Tampa Bay Action News

The Invading Sea

WJCT Radio Jacksonville NPR affiliate (audio at bottom)

It's the enrollments, baby!

Everyone working on the Digital Democracy Project is laser focused on voter enrollment—voters downloading the app and casting ballots. From our Board of Directors to every team member working behind the scenes, we’re all concentrating on YOU—the Digital Democracy Community of Voters.

Not only does each voter count, but we need to enroll 1,000 voters for the actual DATA to count.

Why 1,000?

Remember how political polls must have a large enough sample size for the information to matter? That's because two people’s opinions are “meaningless” in a huge group. (Sorry, you two.) But, 1,000 people’s opinions DO mean something.

1,000 opinions are statistically significant in the Florida voter population. Statistically significant means — In people terms, 1,000 opinions are very likely to represent what the entire group wants. In data terms, a data set of 1,000 is a large enough sample to be a valid indicator of the population. Same thing, really.

As a 100% data-driven organization, we depend on the validity and reliability of our data. We must have ENOUGH voters to be valid (The enrollments, baby!), and each voter must be verified (reliable–No bots!).

Then, taking it a step further, we want the Digital Democracy Project to be even more accurate than polls, which generally count 500 or so opinions. (They have been known to be miss the mark. Remember?) For all these reasons, our goal is to have 1,000 voters using the app by the opening of the 2023 Legislative Session.

153 voters have enrolled since we launched last month.

We need 1,000 voter enrollments by March 7th.

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What a gift!